Sunday, September 26, 2010

Work Woes

September has been a really busy month for me and its still not over :/

I gave in my 2 week resignation to my boss on September 13th and told him my last day of employment will be October 1st, if I choose to stay another week past if he still hasn't found anyone where that will be at my discretion. Choosing this job has to be one of my most worse desperation acts ever and from now on I will only choose proper judgment in all the things I will do.

In another act of desperation I asked CD to ask her boss at my old job if she would hire me as I really need some income, it turns out that her boss really likes me and for now I have the weekend shift. A few things are different but mostly the menu and preparation is the same. Last night was my first shift back and things were all in all the same way except for the cashing out part so I will need a bit more time in how that works.

I can not tell my mother that I decided to go back - she will give me that asian mom look of disapproval and it's really hard to get into a discussion with asian mom once she gives you that look. I do not plan on staying at my sushi job for a long time, it's only so I can get back on my feet while I look for a full time job inbetween.

So that sums up my work woes ... I made another savings ticker to help me chart the tip money I save. I made $13 on my first night *grumble* we'll see how well I do tonight :)


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