Sunday, November 27, 2011

New Opportunities

I am absolutely failing at keeping this blog updated :/ what's with the lack of motivation? but I think it's more that I don't remember that I have a blog so it's hard for me to remember to update it

Soooo ... I am no longer employed with DA Stores, the job was a joke with inexperienced bosses, ghetto management and stupid phrases like "we're a small office so we need to wear many hats" however as I see it there are only 2 employees so the 2 employees must wear the many hats and do everything inhumanely possible x_x

This is my 3rd month employed as shipping coordinator at Room Service Store -- the furniture is all made on location, beautiful and unfortunately out of my price range :/ but I suspect out of everyone's price range unless you don't mind charging everything lol. The management is cool, my co workers are easy to get along with and the position pays good :] and I'm surrounded by beautiful furniture all day

Last week my parents brought up that one of their tenants is moving out and the available unit will be on the first floor, my eyes lit up O_O as they know that I have been after a first floor unit for a very long time and since grandma (building owner) takes 2 units for herself and the other unit has a couple that has been living there for a long long time with no foreseeable plans on moving out I knew that the chances were slim. The current tenants are moving out due to a new job contract and the commute to Malibu from Miracle Mile is not ideal, they are due to move out at the end of December. My parents are planning on talking to grandma about my situation and to convince her to let me move in : ] It means moving from Los Feliz where I've been a resident for nearly the past 10 + years, I love and will miss this area but it's not like I've been getting the most out of it and the more I keep thinking of moving into the new unit and decorating the more I am putting my current place far behind me. Nothing lasts forever especially rented apartments ... my only concern is that grandma will say no but my mom says that if I trust her then I don't have to worry about anything and that my apartment is mine but I am such a worry wart :/

There are a lot of worries to moving out that I am thinking of and would love to plan for but without knowing what the answer from grandmother, it's hard to plan anything at all ... what's the answer?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Being an Employee is Crippling

I wish I was employed in a company where employees had shares in the stock so I would have to be bought out to be fired haha, at least my severance pay would be large

So yes, if you couldn't tell by my opening sentence then let me write it out for you - work sucks! Ever since the company moved to the bigger office our workload has doubled x2 and there are times I can't handle it and yet I'm not suppose to say "I don't have time for it" or any other excuse because I am being paid to do it -- I fucking feeling like a slave and since this is my only source of income I am forced to stick with it :( I wish in desperation to just win the lotto and I can retire happy at the age of 26 lol ... 

In happier news :) I am planning on building my new business! I will be selling Tokidoki merchandise, Kidrobot and other vinyl toys -- if I would buy it then I would sell it, is my motto lol, Mom and George will be helping me with the investment money and business planning but I think I would have the majority on what product I sell and what no, I still need to plan this out but I am hoping to be up and running by October? The most important part of my business? My business name! What will it be called? cause if I fudge up on this I'll never live it down

Will update soooooon

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Again long gap on my blog, I apologize but this year has been busy for me!

My employment with DA Stores grows strong -- this is my 5th month and my knowledge in this business is only ever growing =) I hope a raise will be in the near future! heehee ... there was a meeting at work and it was delegated that I will concentrate more on the Tosh line = wholesale! I will be coordinating the orders for Tosh while my co worker/manager will concentrate more on scheduling orders for our DA Stores line = more work lol

I have discovered a new game passion, aside from Mahjong, I have found BINGO! You can find me weekly at The Bingo Club in Hawaiian Gardens -- just won $$ yesterday but unfortunately I burned out my luck already cause I went home $40 broke but I will try again on Friday :) ... I'm surprised my boyfriend isn't peeved that I'm gone so much

Now onto the part of my post where I'm not so happy, why is it that the people who work super hard, only get little rewards while the people who are always lazy, think lazy and want things handed to them get the opportunity. My friend received a job offer tonight, I know for sure she doesn't deserve the job, which irritates me >_< she lacks the brains, the experience and the education for this job but yet because her boyfriend works there, he referred her and though the interview process was shaky she got the job :( it's just not fair! now I'm beginning to sound like the 5 year old but I deserve to voice my opinion. I'd like to see just how long she will last at this job. I sound like a bad friend but when I'm around other women especially I get really competitive and everything should go to me, me, me ... let's see ...

SDCC is just in another 3 months! Sugoi!!! My costume is officially done! It was finished back in March and I am sooo thrilled and relieved that I finally got to bring it home after all those months of planning. I'm not sure if I will look exactly like Illyria due to the lack of blue hair/make up/contact lenses which would put me way over my budget but it's all about having fun!

Alrighty, I think I've covered most of recent news ... till next time

Saturday, February 5, 2011

SDCC tickets have finally happened!

For 3 times in a row I have woken up early, one time it was at 6am (not that was fun! not! -_-) to try my hand at scoring San Diego Comic Con tickets only to time and time and time again FAIL! This Saturday I pictured to be as usual, there I was perched at my computer ready for tickets and as usual at 9:01 ticket leap's system gave off error messages of "over capacity" and "down for maintenance" -_- the "down for maintenance" page was there for only a short time but for the most of the day it was "over capacity". With due diligence I persisted and ventured on, combating with F5 but yet drawing back when needed and at exactly 12:00 I had won the battle and left with 2 sets of 4 individual day passes! This definitely goes into my top AWESOME moments in my life :)

I didn't receive my confirmation email yet but I was able to confirm my purchase on ticket leap's website, here's hoping I get the email Monday. Next step is to book the hotel but I'm hoping to share with another couple but time is limited so I have a feeling that it might just be the bf and I.

To top SDCC news I also received my tax refund! Though I'll have to be depositing this into my savings account ... the rest of the day went pretty easy, the night before I decided to rearrange my room and I like how it came out :) so I spent the rest of the early afternoon straightening up and organizing. FUN =)

It may not look special but when you've had your bed against the wall for your entire lifetime then a bed only partially against the wall seems terrific lol

BF and I enjoyed a walk around Echo Park where we spied 2 red eared slider turtles sun basking :) I can't blame them cause the weather was nice

Until next time =) Ja Ne!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Life's Simple Pleasures

One of life's Simple Pleasures ... and that would be reclining movie theater seats! Last night the BF and I went to Universal City walk to view The Green Hornet =) This movie was awesome! I rarely go to the theaters now since tickets are expensive :/ and there's just way too many movies I want to watch that it'll cost me a bundle in no time so I wait till they come out on DVD. So I was thrilled to find out that The Green Hornet was playing in house 1 which has balcony seating! I declare that this is one thing in life you must experience :)

I am expecting my True Religion Blue Rainbows to come in any day next week =) I have this bad habit of buying rainbows, never wearing them, letting them sit in my closest till I finally need the $$ and decide to sell them. It's happened to me 3 times, the last time I really did regret because it was in a style I really did like :/ but my blue rainbows are sure to be staying forever in my closest with at least some wear time.

As time passes by I think more and more of finding a new apartment to live in ... the apt I currently reside in is okay but just okay, nothing fantastic and nothing gorgeous :/ It's a vintage apartment and a lot of items are in need of repair, I've requested the repair work to management but they don't want to do it, I can't understand why they wouldn't want to, it'll be good investment on their side but my management company is just plain cheap which is why I would rather move out than stay another 5 years. Another reason is that I live with a room mate, my current room mate is a nice young lady :) but I'm getting to an age where I feel that more privacy is better (aside from my live in bf) while this roomie is hardly home I still feel bad for depending on someone else to pay my rent, why do I need that extra bedroom when it's just me and the bf? Since I'm lucky to be on rent control, I am waiting until the rent hits $600 for both me and the boyfriend where then I will start looking for a 1 bedroom apartment of our very own :) This should be in another 3 years, hope to have $$ saved by then.

Speaking about $$, there is an IKEA round bed for sale on craigslist :( I want it, I'm not sure why but I do ... it's fills me with creative energy, gives me luxury vibes and screams fun! I must have it, I hope the seller gets back to me tomorrow morning :)

I'll update with news
Good Night

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Big News for the New Year :)

My one most definite New Year's resolution is to write in this blog daily, at least every 2 days >. > okay at least once a week! I admit I'm either really busy or lazy some days that I forget to write here.

A lot of things have been happening since and before the New Year 2011 ... I am no longer employed with the Sielder family, there were the ups and down with that job and I do thank the stars that it was decided to be a short term position.

In November I made the most unfortunate decision to return to work with Gayot Publications - screw their privacy clause! I am badmouthing them to the bone! My bosses were horrible and after a month and a half of their torture I finally escaped which led me to the job I have now! :) It's been wonderful so far :) I am the new shipping coordinator for DA Stores - good title - good pay, I hope there is only good to last.

This will be a short entry ... I'll be trying to update daily from now on ^^

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Good Things =)

I was suppose to update this thing 2 days ago but I'm a bit behind, tired too *yawn* I just finished the day with a 11.5 shift at the sushi restaurant and another 6 hour shift tomorrow, thank god I keep telling myself that I'm just working here to get the money for SDCC, which is still many months away but nothing beats good ole hard working preparation haha

*Squeal!* On Thursday morning I received my True Religion Billy jeans from UPS and by mid afternoon I finally received my Isabel Marant Etoile skirt!! I love getting more than one package in the day, it always gives me a natural high lol ... here is the awesome photo of my skirt, I will cherish it forever :)

My ebay auctions were successful and I sold my Ranma 1/2 graphic novels and my X-Men comics, though the winnings I received were not as fetching as I wanted, I'm glad I was able to move them onto their new homes.

I'm going to have to cut this entry short as I really need to go to bed, can't think, just want to sleep zzzzzz
