Saturday, February 5, 2011

SDCC tickets have finally happened!

For 3 times in a row I have woken up early, one time it was at 6am (not that was fun! not! -_-) to try my hand at scoring San Diego Comic Con tickets only to time and time and time again FAIL! This Saturday I pictured to be as usual, there I was perched at my computer ready for tickets and as usual at 9:01 ticket leap's system gave off error messages of "over capacity" and "down for maintenance" -_- the "down for maintenance" page was there for only a short time but for the most of the day it was "over capacity". With due diligence I persisted and ventured on, combating with F5 but yet drawing back when needed and at exactly 12:00 I had won the battle and left with 2 sets of 4 individual day passes! This definitely goes into my top AWESOME moments in my life :)

I didn't receive my confirmation email yet but I was able to confirm my purchase on ticket leap's website, here's hoping I get the email Monday. Next step is to book the hotel but I'm hoping to share with another couple but time is limited so I have a feeling that it might just be the bf and I.

To top SDCC news I also received my tax refund! Though I'll have to be depositing this into my savings account ... the rest of the day went pretty easy, the night before I decided to rearrange my room and I like how it came out :) so I spent the rest of the early afternoon straightening up and organizing. FUN =)

It may not look special but when you've had your bed against the wall for your entire lifetime then a bed only partially against the wall seems terrific lol

BF and I enjoyed a walk around Echo Park where we spied 2 red eared slider turtles sun basking :) I can't blame them cause the weather was nice

Until next time =) Ja Ne!

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