Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Again long gap on my blog, I apologize but this year has been busy for me!

My employment with DA Stores grows strong -- this is my 5th month and my knowledge in this business is only ever growing =) I hope a raise will be in the near future! heehee ... there was a meeting at work and it was delegated that I will concentrate more on the Tosh line = wholesale! I will be coordinating the orders for Tosh while my co worker/manager will concentrate more on scheduling orders for our DA Stores line = more work lol

I have discovered a new game passion, aside from Mahjong, I have found BINGO! You can find me weekly at The Bingo Club in Hawaiian Gardens -- just won $$ yesterday but unfortunately I burned out my luck already cause I went home $40 broke but I will try again on Friday :) ... I'm surprised my boyfriend isn't peeved that I'm gone so much

Now onto the part of my post where I'm not so happy, why is it that the people who work super hard, only get little rewards while the people who are always lazy, think lazy and want things handed to them get the opportunity. My friend received a job offer tonight, I know for sure she doesn't deserve the job, which irritates me >_< she lacks the brains, the experience and the education for this job but yet because her boyfriend works there, he referred her and though the interview process was shaky she got the job :( it's just not fair! now I'm beginning to sound like the 5 year old but I deserve to voice my opinion. I'd like to see just how long she will last at this job. I sound like a bad friend but when I'm around other women especially I get really competitive and everything should go to me, me, me ... let's see ...

SDCC is just in another 3 months! Sugoi!!! My costume is officially done! It was finished back in March and I am sooo thrilled and relieved that I finally got to bring it home after all those months of planning. I'm not sure if I will look exactly like Illyria due to the lack of blue hair/make up/contact lenses which would put me way over my budget but it's all about having fun!

Alrighty, I think I've covered most of recent news ... till next time

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