Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Being an Employee is Crippling

I wish I was employed in a company where employees had shares in the stock so I would have to be bought out to be fired haha, at least my severance pay would be large

So yes, if you couldn't tell by my opening sentence then let me write it out for you - work sucks! Ever since the company moved to the bigger office our workload has doubled x2 and there are times I can't handle it and yet I'm not suppose to say "I don't have time for it" or any other excuse because I am being paid to do it -- I fucking feeling like a slave and since this is my only source of income I am forced to stick with it :( I wish in desperation to just win the lotto and I can retire happy at the age of 26 lol ... 

In happier news :) I am planning on building my new business! I will be selling Tokidoki merchandise, Kidrobot and other vinyl toys -- if I would buy it then I would sell it, is my motto lol, Mom and George will be helping me with the investment money and business planning but I think I would have the majority on what product I sell and what no, I still need to plan this out but I am hoping to be up and running by October? The most important part of my business? My business name! What will it be called? cause if I fudge up on this I'll never live it down

Will update soooooon

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