Sunday, November 27, 2011

New Opportunities

I am absolutely failing at keeping this blog updated :/ what's with the lack of motivation? but I think it's more that I don't remember that I have a blog so it's hard for me to remember to update it

Soooo ... I am no longer employed with DA Stores, the job was a joke with inexperienced bosses, ghetto management and stupid phrases like "we're a small office so we need to wear many hats" however as I see it there are only 2 employees so the 2 employees must wear the many hats and do everything inhumanely possible x_x

This is my 3rd month employed as shipping coordinator at Room Service Store -- the furniture is all made on location, beautiful and unfortunately out of my price range :/ but I suspect out of everyone's price range unless you don't mind charging everything lol. The management is cool, my co workers are easy to get along with and the position pays good :] and I'm surrounded by beautiful furniture all day

Last week my parents brought up that one of their tenants is moving out and the available unit will be on the first floor, my eyes lit up O_O as they know that I have been after a first floor unit for a very long time and since grandma (building owner) takes 2 units for herself and the other unit has a couple that has been living there for a long long time with no foreseeable plans on moving out I knew that the chances were slim. The current tenants are moving out due to a new job contract and the commute to Malibu from Miracle Mile is not ideal, they are due to move out at the end of December. My parents are planning on talking to grandma about my situation and to convince her to let me move in : ] It means moving from Los Feliz where I've been a resident for nearly the past 10 + years, I love and will miss this area but it's not like I've been getting the most out of it and the more I keep thinking of moving into the new unit and decorating the more I am putting my current place far behind me. Nothing lasts forever especially rented apartments ... my only concern is that grandma will say no but my mom says that if I trust her then I don't have to worry about anything and that my apartment is mine but I am such a worry wart :/

There are a lot of worries to moving out that I am thinking of and would love to plan for but without knowing what the answer from grandmother, it's hard to plan anything at all ... what's the answer?

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