Thursday, January 13, 2011

Big News for the New Year :)

My one most definite New Year's resolution is to write in this blog daily, at least every 2 days >. > okay at least once a week! I admit I'm either really busy or lazy some days that I forget to write here.

A lot of things have been happening since and before the New Year 2011 ... I am no longer employed with the Sielder family, there were the ups and down with that job and I do thank the stars that it was decided to be a short term position.

In November I made the most unfortunate decision to return to work with Gayot Publications - screw their privacy clause! I am badmouthing them to the bone! My bosses were horrible and after a month and a half of their torture I finally escaped which led me to the job I have now! :) It's been wonderful so far :) I am the new shipping coordinator for DA Stores - good title - good pay, I hope there is only good to last.

This will be a short entry ... I'll be trying to update daily from now on ^^

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