Sunday, October 17, 2010

Good Things =)

I was suppose to update this thing 2 days ago but I'm a bit behind, tired too *yawn* I just finished the day with a 11.5 shift at the sushi restaurant and another 6 hour shift tomorrow, thank god I keep telling myself that I'm just working here to get the money for SDCC, which is still many months away but nothing beats good ole hard working preparation haha

*Squeal!* On Thursday morning I received my True Religion Billy jeans from UPS and by mid afternoon I finally received my Isabel Marant Etoile skirt!! I love getting more than one package in the day, it always gives me a natural high lol ... here is the awesome photo of my skirt, I will cherish it forever :)

My ebay auctions were successful and I sold my Ranma 1/2 graphic novels and my X-Men comics, though the winnings I received were not as fetching as I wanted, I'm glad I was able to move them onto their new homes.

I'm going to have to cut this entry short as I really need to go to bed, can't think, just want to sleep zzzzzz


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Warms rays of sunlight coming ahead

October has been nothing but good, glorious wonderful things =)

My mother once again pulled her strings to find me an assistant job from among her many A list clients. I am now an employee of the Sielder family. It's a low stress job but with top pay so I can not complain about that and I certainly do not miss my old Downtown LA job, my last day was October 1st and I have not been back since then. The old boss likes to call me but I have no intention of returning his phone calls, it was a job that I didn't enjoy and a boss that nearly irked me every day, I definitely won't miss him. My new job is chill, the family lives in a beautiful large house with 3 kids and 2 dogs :) My responsibilities are of your average pick up from school and babysitting - I hope for my responsibilities to grow as they become more dependent on me.

I have a few auctions on ebay, I'm selling off my larger sized Ranma 1/2 graphic novels as I'm trying to collect all the new version sized manga so they look uniform, it's my OCD but let me deal with it lol as well as I'm selling off my X-Men comics to collect the bigger volume books instead. So I'm not really making any money off this but at least I'm organizing better.

The most wonderful news is that I found the Isabel Marant mini skirt that I have been looking for ever since I saw Victoria Beckham wear it on one of her many shopping excursions. The first time I came across it Ebay glitched and didn't let me bid on it :/ I found it about 3 weeks later yesterday on Ebay France and after discussing it with the seller we agreed to the BIN terms and the skirt is now on it's way to me! I am absolutely thrilled and motivates me to dress more womanly lol. The only bad thing is that my first paycheck from my new boss lady will be covering the price of the skirt ouch! :/

SDCC update: has released ticket prices for SDCC 2011, it's going to cost $105 for 4 days from Thursday thru Sunday. Tickets will be released on November 1st at 9am. Let's just say that I am waking early with credit card in hand.

Will update next week with more news
Ja ne!